- July 7, 2022
Virtual Meetings of Corporate Organs After the Health Emergency
- by BéndiksenLaw
The Colombian Superintendence of Companies recently reminded the public that, despite the fact that the health emergency has ended, Decree 398 of 2020 is still in force. Therefore, it is possible for corporations to continue to hold their partners’ meetings, general assembly of shareholders or meetings of the board of directors in a non-face-to-face manner and complying with the requirements established both in the law and in the company’s bylaws. In this regard, bear in mind that in order for non-face-to-face meetings to be held it is necessary that all members or partners participating in the meeting be able to deliberate or decide by simultaneous or successive communication, in accordance with the provisions of article 19 of Law 222 of 1995.
Additionally, the aforementioned Decree 398 establishes that the company’s legal representative must record in the minutes of the meeting on the continuity of the necessary quorum throughout the meeting. That is, they must certify that during the meeting the necessary number of participants were present to deliberate and decide in accordance with what is established in the law or in the bylaws of each company. Likewise, they must verify the identity of the participants to guarantee that they are in fact the partners, shareholders, or members of the board of directors or their proxies, as appropriate.
Finally, this decree specifies that legal and bylaw provisions on summons, quorum and majorities for in-person meetings are applicable to partners’ or shareholders’ meetings or the meetings of the board of directors held in a non-face-to-face or mixed manner (which allow the presence of participants both physically and virtually).
Contact us in case you require counsel regarding this or any other issue affecting your company.